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El Babysitter (The Babysitter)
Emilio Ortiz and his best friend Berna are entertainers for children's birthday parties. Emilio has a pretty new neighbor, Sol, who is a babysitter. Emilio falls head over heals for Sol and decides to become a babysitter along with Sol in order to see if he can make her fall in love.
Emilio Ortiz y su mejor amiga Berna animan fiestas de cumpleaños infantiles. Emilio tiene una nueva vecina, Sol, que trabaja como niñera. Emilio se enamora, y decide convertirse en una niñera junto con Sol para ver si puede conquistarla.
Cast: Sebastián Badilla, Javiera Acevedo, Denise Rosenthal
CHILE - 2013
96 min
Original Language: SPA
Rights Available: LatAm excluding Chile
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